B5 Bioheat® Fuel Now Standard for Downstate New York

Governor Cuomo approved Senate Bill #5422-A last Wednesday, requiring that all heating oil sold in Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties on or after July 1, 2018 contain “at least five percent renewable biofuels.”

Just last year, New York City, with the support of the local Oilheat industry, passed legislation implementing a five percent biodiesel-blending requirement (effective October 1, 2017). That means by mid-2018, all of downstate New York – which accounts for about 70 percent of all heating oil sales in the state – will be held to a five percent biofuel-blending standard.

This is a major victory not only for downstate New York, but also for the region’s approximately 1.3 million Oilheat users, many of whom are already enjoying the benefits of Bioheat®, the nation’s most reliable alternative heating source.

National Biodiesel Board CEO Donnell Rehagen commended Governor Cuomo for signing a bill that “will provide cleaner air for more New Yorkers by improving emissions from heating oil.” He added, “increasing the use of Bioheat® in the nation’s largest heating oil market also supports local jobs in the clean energy sector.”

Oil Heat Institute of Long Island CEO Kevin Rooney also lauded the news. He remarked, “this new blending standard, coupled with the existing state requirement that all heating oil sold be ultra-low sulfur, means that by next year Oilheat dealers in the downstate region will be selling the cleanest, most environmentally compatible fuel of any heating oil market in the nation.”

Biofuel-blended ultra-low sulfur heating oil has been proven to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from heating systems. With the approval of this bill, New York State is furthering its commitment to a greener future.

To view the press release from the National Biodiesel Board, click here.