5 Tips for Remote Learning & Career Development in Connecticut

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many adjustments to our daily lives. Students in Connecticut are continuing classes remotely, which can take some getting used to. If you are a student at a technical, vocational, or trade school in Connecticut, it can be especially tricky to adapt to this learning environment because of the hands-on nature of the subject. Follow this list to help make your remote learning easier to manage so that you can keep your trade career path on track.

Tricks for Remote Learning and Career Development from Home

1. Get to Know the Software

Half the battle of adjusting to remote learning is getting used to the technology. Take some extra time to navigate the software your school is using for classes. Test out features like voice and microphone control and chat options for asking questions to minimize the inconvenience of a tech error during class.

2. Set up Your Space

Creating a specific environment for “school time” is a hack that will help keep productivity on track. If possible, do your coursework in a space where you can shut the door to minimize distractions. If you are in a smaller space, clear off the kitchen table or a desk that is specifically for schoolwork. If you are working on hands-on projects, space like your basement or garage is great.

3. Stick to a Schedule

When you are learning from home, it is important to set up a daily routine. Try to stick to a schedule similar to a regular day at school. It is easy to do this when you are attending livestream classes, but if you have the option to complete assignments on your own time, setting up a schedule will help you stay motivated and productive.

4. Keep in Touch with Teachers & Peers

Make sure you have phone numbers and email addresses for your instructors. And if you don’t have it already, ask for contact information for your classmates, too. This will come in handy if questions come up during assignments and is also a good way to maintain a sense of “normal life” by catching up with your peers.

5. Enhance Your Resume

Now is the perfect opportunity to go through your resume, update your work experience, and start thinking about the next step in your career. If you already have a profile on Generation NEXT Energy Pros, log in to see how you can update your resume so you stand out to potential employers. If you don’t have a profile yet, take a few minutes to create one!


Generation NEXT Energy Pros is proud to be the leading workforce development program for the Bioheat® and HVAC industry in Connecticut. Log into your profile or create one to upload or update your resume to connect with potential employers in Connecticut.